Do I Need To Take Any Medical Precautions Before Traveling?

The Short Answer

We do advise you consult a medical professional prior to your arrival in India. We recommend you inquire about any particular vaccinations, you may need for your travels, and any preexisting medical conditions.

The Long Answer

We are by no means medical professionals. And that is why we suggest you make your specific enquiries with those who are. While there are no governmental requirements concerning Northern India, there are a couple things you should be aware of. First is vaccinations. There is a potential exposure to certain illnesses not common to other countries, so it could be well worth your time consulting a medical official. Here is an excellent website  for when you begin looking into this topic. A second consideration is for respiratory health. India’s air quality is not near as clean as the western world’s, so ask your doctor about any precautions you ought to take. And if you have any other pre-existing conditions, it would be wise seek out advice. India is an amazing country! So do not let unwarranted worries keep you from visiting. Coming prepared will enable you to comfortably explore this magnificent land. Once you make your way over here, be sure to come visit us! We love hosting and can’t wait to share more about our magnificent home, Mehrauli!


Is The Water Safe To Drink In India?
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If you are not Indian (born and raised), no. But there are a plethora of safe options available t...

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Is India Safe?
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All caveats aside, yes. You will however want to exercise some basic precautions though.


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